Nothing In It; Being the blog of Elliott C. 'Eeyore' Evans (hosted at his domain '')

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Biggest news first, I have a new contract. That's part of why I didn't post at all last week. The new contract is with a large financial organization, through a local staffing firm. No names here only because I don't want search engines linking my blog to those venerable (and possibly vindictive) organizations, though you can find all the relevant info on my LinkedIn profile. Anyway, the contract only lasts until the end of the year, which is OK with me if that's all it turns out to be, though I did manage to get a promotion on my very first day, which bodes well for the future. Their expectations of contractors appear to be quite low.

The company, though based in two separate downtown areas (bank mergers were once quite popular) only has office space available out in the sticks. That is to say, my commute is long. Probably not very long compared to what some of you deal with, but quite long for Pittsburgh at about 30 miles. These 30 miles take 45 to 50 minutes to traverse, leaving me with over 90 fewer minutes per day when I cannot braid but during which I am not being paid to do something else. I do have a few braids completed that I haven't posted about, so that might get me through the rest of this week.

2009.05.18 at 7:00am EDT

All text and graphics copyright © 2007-2013 Elliott C. Evans except where otherwise noted.

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