1998 International Icehouse Tournament Results

Key: ( )=Solo Win, [ ]=Two Way Tie, { }=Three Way Tie, % %=Four Way Tie, ice=Icehouse
Player Name Preliminary Games Finals Tournament
Scores Stats. Scores Stats. Awards Stats
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Sum Wins Rating 01 02 03 Sum Wins Rating Sum Wins Rating Games Avg.
John Cooper ice 13 (24) 9 11 57 1 114 57 1 114 5 11.4
Andy Looney 18 21 21 21 23 104 0 104 15 21 21 57 0 57 Finalist 161 0 161 8 20.1
John W. Taylor 16 ice ice ice ice 16 0 16 16 0 16 5 3.2
Shel Levenstein (21) ice 11 ice 21 53 1 106 53 1 106 5 10.6
Elliott Evans 21 (25) 23 ice (26) 95 2 285 (25) 19 [23] 67 1.5 167.5 Champion 162 3.5 729 8 20.2
Jacob Davenport (26) (27) (30) ice 15 98 3 392 24 19 6 49 0 49 Finalist 147 3 588 8 18.4
Ruth Levenstein ice 15 19 24 18 76 0 76 76 0 76 5 15.2
Dan Efran 11 ice 21 (26) (27) 85 2 255 0 (24) [23] 47 1.5 117.5 Finalist 132 3.5 594 8 16.5

You may notice some differences between the pattern of this tournament and the old style of tournament. For one, the sum of the 5 preliminary games was used to pick finalists instead of the rating. Secondly, only three final games were played, instead of the grueling five game match of yore.

In addition, the official tournament stats grant each player involved in the game 8 debacle a quarter win. This analysis of the tournament scores does not grant this quarter win because the rules refer to an Icehoused player as losing the game.